BS6853 Annex B.1 Toxicity testing_BS6853:1999
作者:管理员    发布于:2012-03-23 14:26:57    文字:【】【】【

BS6853:1999: Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains.
BS6853 Annex B: Determination of weighted summation of toxic fume, R

The two different methods are as follows:

BS 6853 Annex B.1: Mass based test method(NF X 70-31),This method should be appkied to minor use materials(table 7 and

table 8),textiles(table 11) and cables (table 13 and table14).

BS 6853 Annex B.3 Gases to be analysed, analysed:CO,CO2,HBr,HCl,HCN,HF,NOx,SO2
BS 6853 Annex B.4 Calculation of R

What is toxicity testing?
Measuring the fumes produced from a material exposed to controlled fire conditions gives an indication of the fumes

which may be produced in a real fire situation. This enables us to choose materials with lower levels of risk to human


BS6853:1999 Standard requirement for Toxicity testing

Interior minor use materials of mass 31g to 500g (BS6853 Table 7)requirement: R(max)≤1.0
Exterior minor use materials of mass 400g to 2000g (BS6853 Table 7)requirement: R(max)≤1.7

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website: www.fire-test.com or www.bs6853.org


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