BS6853 Annex D.8.4 smoke density test using Panel test method
作者:管理员    发布于:2012-03-23 14:44:20    文字:【】【】【

1. Standard- BS6853 Annex D.8.4
BS6853 Annex D: Methods for measuring smoke density
BS6853:1999 Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains.
BS 6853 Annex D.8.4 is utilized for interior and exterior vertical surfaces and horizontal prone surfaces (Tables 2, 3, 5 and 6 of BS 6853: 1999) and seat shell (table 10 of BS6853: 1999).

2. Standard Brief-BS6853 Annex D8.4
The smoke density measurement taken from a material under fire conditions gives an indication of the visibility through the smoke, this is important as reduced visibility in a real fire situation makes it more difficult to escape from a fire hence increasing the threat to human life from the toxic gases, flames and heat.

BS6853 Annex D.8.4—smoke density test using Panel test method

3. BS6853:1999 Standard requirement for Smoke density testing
Interior vertical surface for BS6853 (BS6853 Table 2) requirement: A0(ON)≤2.6 and A0(OFF)≤3.9
Interior horizontal prone surfaces for BS6853 (BS6853 Table 3) requirement: A0(ON)≤2.6 and A0(OFF)≤3.9
Interior vertical surface for BS6853 (BS6853 Table 5) requirement: A0(ON)≤4.4 and A0(OFF)≤6.6
Interior horizontal prone surfaces for BS6853 (BS6853 Table 6) requirement: A0(ON)≤4.4 and A0(OFF)≤6.6

Tel : (+00 86) 25 8658 3475

Website: www.bs6853.org or www.fire-test.com

Email: info@fire-test.com

电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457

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